Signing a Memorandum of Understanding between MAIL and FAO to reduce malnutrition and establish food security

Tue, Jun 22 2021 5:08 PM
Signing a Memorandum of Understanding between MAIL and FAO to reduce malnutrition and establish food security

Saratan1: June 22, 2021
Shirshah Amiri, deputy minister of agriculture, irrigation and livestock (MAIL), today signed a memorandum of understanding with Parvati Ramaswami, deputy world food organization (WFP), in Afghanistan at the Ministry's headquarters.
The MOU is based on World Food Program (WFP) strategy and Afghanistan's National Food Safety Strategy, under which the World Food Program will assist in areas of natural resources, sustainability of food system and reduction of nutrition.
Deputy MAIL at signing ceremony of thus MOU said, "Agriculture is one of the most important sectors, through which 44% of the country's revenue source is provided. Adding that Climate change is one of the challenges in the world, which also affects the agricultural sector. The above-mentioned memorandum is going to assist our partners to do better activities in this area."
Mr. Amiri added that within the framework of this memorandum, agricultural figures and information will be collected from districts and provinces to assist the Ministry of Agriculture in preparing policies.
He further said, "One of the benefits of this memorandum is to create more cooperation and coordination between the Ministry of Agriculture and the World Food Organization to design and implement activities in production, conservation, especially nutrition, in wheat value chain and soybean."
The cost of this activity is estimated at 127,990 $ and will be used in sectors of increasing soybean production, wheat and capacity building.
Survey, establishment of information collection system, prices, analysis of figures and publication and analysis of information are also included in the articles of this memorandum.
Parvati Ramaswami, World Food Organization's deputy director said, “We are committed to continuing work with agricultural sector.  Production, food security and data collection are key issues in agricultural sector, which is why we support this activity and we stand with the Afghan peasant family and last our cooperation.

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