Three vegetable and fruit processing centers equipped in Balkh

Mon, Aug 09 2021 12:36 PM
Three vegetable and fruit processing centers equipped in Balkh

Asad 18: August 9, 2021
Balkh Directorate of Agriculture, through a program to support to national priority program 2, with joint investment of 30% of the private sector and 70% of the Ministry of Agriculture, equipped and utilized three vegetable and fruit processing centers in the province.
These centers are equipped at a cost of more than seven hundred thousand AFN with financial and technical cooperation of support to national priority program 2 and investment of women farmers in Nahrshahi and Dehdadi districts.
This equipment includes electrical processing and maintenance equipment, product delivery to the market, quality assessment, measurement and packaging and marketing.
According to the business plan, these three centers produce different types of pickles, ground jam, fruit compote, pressed peppers, canned vegetables and Roman eggplant sauce with sweet and spicy taste with excellent quality and offer it to their customers in Mazar-e-Sharif through big stores. .
The purpose of equipping these three fruit and vegetable processing centers is to attract private sector investment in agricultural sector, increase job opportunities for women farmers and raise the income level of rural farmers.

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د خوست کرنې ریاست څېړنیز فارم کې زده کړیالانو ته د عملي زده کړې زمینه برابره شوې

۱۱ چنګاښ ۱۴۰۳ه‍.ش
۲۴ ذی‌الحِجّة ۱۴۴۵ه‍.ق
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