MAIL minister stresses on providing timely services and implementation of the projects

Wed, Jun 23 2021 1:17 PM
MAIL minister stresses on providing timely services and implementation of the projects

Saratan: June 22, 2021
The meeting of the leadership board of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) was held with participation of deputies and some directors, and various issues were discussed and resolved.
In this meeting, the problems of the companies implementing agricultural projects were discussed and it was decided to take action to resolve these problems according to the law. Transferring of saffron from one province to another has also been discussed.
Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahady, minister of agriculture, irrigation and livestock, instructed that the opportunities and challenges of saffron sector with stakeholders be thoroughly examined and more opportunities be created to strengthen this sector.
In addition, the request for transferring of employees, immediate solution of some problems and employee’s superclass were discussed in this meeting and it was decided to prepare a new procedure in MAIL in order-to increase the effectiveness and rationality of superclass. The problems of the peasants were also raised at the meeting, and the Minister of Agriculture instructed that these problems be resolved immediately, taking into account the possibilities.
Various other issues were also discussed at the meeting. The Minister of Agriculture emphasized that all attention should be focused on providing timely services and implementing projects all over the country.

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