Ahady and Director of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Afghanistan Discuss Better Implementation of Alternative Livelihood Plans

Wed, Mar 17 2021 4:20 PM
Ahady and Director of United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Afghanistan Discuss Better Implementation of Alternative Livelihood Plans

Hoot 27: March 17, 2021
Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahady, Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, met with Anubha Sood, director of United Nations office on drugs and crime (UNODC) in Afghanistan.
During the meeting, the two sides discussed better implementation of alternative livelihood plans and reduction of poppy cultivation.
Anuba Sood, briefed the Minister of Agriculture on their activities and plans.
Ms. Sood said, “We work in agriculture and alternative livelihoods and coordinate with a number of departments. And also plan to work in the agricultural value chains sector and give farmers the opportunity to plan our projects at the request of farmers." and last to work in capacity building sector.
She also said that they are launching a new project in the field of agriculture under the Ministry of Agriculture.
The Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock then said, "In the alternative livelihood sector, the United Nations Development Program for Agriculture and Rural Development (CBARD) is working in Ministry of Agriculture, and we also have other activities in this area, we want all the projects in this sector to operate under one cover.
Mr. Ahady called on the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Afghanistan to prepare and submit a report on its four-year activities to improve the effectiveness of future work.
The meeting was also attended by Shir Shah Amiri, deputy minister of agriculture and livestock of MAIL.

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