World Bank’s Vice President for South Asia announced the design of a new project during a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture

Tue, Jun 08 2021 5:17 PM
World Bank’s Vice President for South Asia announced the design of a new project during a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture

Jawza 18: June 8, 2021
The Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahady, met
Hartwig Schafer Vice President for the South Asia Region, on Tuesday, June 8, 2021 to discuss horticulture and livestock projects as well as the processing of agricultural products. The meeting was also attended by World Bank President for Afghanistan Henry Crawley and a number of other Bank officials.
Mr. Ahady, while appreciating the World Bank for its assistance to agricultural sector in Afghanistan, said, “The priority of MAIL is to strengthen and boost the horticulture and livestock sector and we are working to develop and invest agricultural production and processing.”
He further said that OMAID project is working on processing of agricultural products. He asked the World Bank for financial support to commence the project. He also spoke about Agriculture and Food Security Emergency (EATS) project, calling it national and comprehensive, and called on the World Bank to support the project.
Ahady also spoke about this year's drought and its impact on agriculture and livestock, as well as the reduction in wheat production, and called for urgent World Bank assistance to combat the drought.
Hartwig Schafer Vice President  of world bank for the South Asia Region, thanked the Ministry of Agriculture for its leadership and attention to the agricultural sector, and said that in addition to supporting ongoing projects, the World Bank would provide additional and new assistance of around70 million  € .Provides for the agricultural sector whose project is being designed. In order to improve the design of this project, he asked for the opinion of leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture. Vice President of world bank for the South Asia Region also said that the OMAID project is set to begin and that it could be very effective in processing agricultural products.
World Bank officials call on the Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock to pay more attention to accelerating the implementation of the Emergency Agriculture and Food Safety Project (EATS).

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