National Women's Empowerment Program Plan Enrichment through Value Chain Development discussed

Thu, Jul 08 2021 12:50 PM
National Women's Empowerment Program Plan Enrichment through Value Chain Development discussed

Saratan 17:  July 8, 2021
The enrichment of National Women's Empowerment Program through value chain development was discussed at a meeting by Deputy Minister of Irrigation and Natural Resources of the Ministry of Agriculture (MAIL) and representatives of the Ministry of Women's Affairs, Women’s Chamber of Commerce, Afghan Women's Network and Agricultural Women's Union.
Hashmatullah Ghafouri, deputy minister of irrigation and natural resources of MAIL said that this program has been designed based on verbal guidance of president to meet the needs of women and addresses all women's issues. Adding that the project will be shared with the Ministry of Women's Affairs, the Women's Chamber of Commerce and the Afghan Women in Agriculture Association for further enrichment.
The budget for this program is 210 million and 165 thousand US dollars. This program is designed for 10 years, starting in 1400 and ending in 1409. The program is going to be implemented by Ministry of Agriculture in cooperation with the Ministry of Women's Affairs in 34 provinces of the country. With the implementation of this program, 232,000 women will directly benefit.
The overall goal of the mentioned Program is economic growth, food security, better family livelihoods, creation and management of women's agricultural production groups, associations and unions to target them for quality production, processing and marketing of agricultural products. Women, enhancing the capacity of women through training programs, workshops and seminars, implementation and evaluation of national plans and creating more coordination between projects and programs  working  to improve the situation of women in the country

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