The Women’s Empowerment in Livestock: 110 women Earn Technical livestock skills in Balkh

Wed, Sep 16 2020 7:17 PM
The Women’s Empowerment in Livestock: 110 women Earn Technical livestock skills in Balkh
Sunbola 26: September 16, 2020
Balkh Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock Department in cooperation with the Second National Priority Support Program (SNaPP2), launched a two-day training program to improve the Technical capacity of 110 Rural women Farmers in Dehdadi district.
The training was designed to improve the skills of Dairy Farmers, and included training in Dairy Management, Dairy Hygiene, Healthy eating, Breeding, Dairy Marketing, some Dairy cattle diseases, and cattle disease control.
Previously, 17 livestock were distributed to the Milking and Breeding Department of the program.
Another program of the Ministry of Agriculture for these Farmers is to provide opportunities for concluding Agricultural contracts for marketing and establishing links between Farmers and the private sector.
During the program, Ranchers joined the Balkh Dairy Association to sell 760 Liters of milk produced by their cows daily to the private sector at market prices.

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