Construction of 334 Potato and Onion Warehouses completes in Bamyan

Tue, Dec 15 2020 2:38 PM
Construction of 334 Potato and Onion Warehouses completes in Bamyan
Qaws: 25 December 15, 2020
The Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Bamyan Province said that construction of 295 potato and 39 onion warehouses has been completed in the province, and these buildings have been exploited.
Sayeed Abdul Wahab Mohammadi, Bamyan's director of agriculture said, "The construction of all zero energy cold storages of potatoes and onions in the province has been completed and can be used by farmers.”
Similarly, Mr. Mohammadi added that out of 10 zero-energy cold storages of (SARC) model apple, the work of five cold storages has been completed, and the work of the remaining cold storages has progressed a lot and will be completed within a few days.
These new projects have been launched through Ministry of Agriculture's (MAIL) agricultural product management program.


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