Combating against Congo-fever Began in Kabul

Sat, Jul 17 2021 6:38 PM
Combating against Congo-fever Began in Kabul

Saratan 26: July 17, 2021
On the eve of Eid al-Adha, Kabul Directorate of Agriculture has started the combat against Congo-disease in city and some villages and districts of Kabul Province.
This program is covering villages and areas where there is more livestock and animal stalls and possibility of ticks infected with ticks is high. The campaign lasts for eight days, during which time ticks and mite-infected animals are sprayed.
Congo fever (CCHF) is a deadly microbial (viral) disease that can be transmitted from animal to human. The main vectors of the virus are caw, sheep, goats and other animals.
The virus is transmitted directly to humans through the bite of ticks or contact with blood and flesh of infected animals.
To prevent the spread of Congo, stallions and suspected animals of having the fever are sprayed and the consumed flesh is cooked well.
Every year, a campaign is lunched by the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock to prevent Congo fever and to vaccinate animals.

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