113 sheep distributed to the Regimental Associations of Samangan

Thu, Dec 03 2020 12:56 PM
به انجمن‌های نبات طبی هنگ در سمنگان ۱۱۳ راس گوسفند توزیع شد

Qaws: 13 Decmber 3, 2020
The Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Samangan Province says that "113 sheep have been distributed to 20 members of Four Medical Plant Associations in the province.
Mohammad Rahman Arghandiwal, Director of irrigation and livestock in Samangan province, said " the sheep were distributed to encourage members of the Regimental Plant Medical Association to protect pastures, medicinal plant areas and raise livestock.
In exchange for receiving these sheep, members of the Regiment of Medicinal Plants Associations are responsible for protecting 400 Hectares of Pastures and areas related to medicinal plants.
The distributed sheep worth one Million Afghanis which were purchased from the Ministry of Agriculture's Natural Resources Department budget.

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