The Minister of Agriculture discusses development projects with World Bank (WB)

Sun, Jun 06 2021 4:31 PM
The Minister of Agriculture discusses development projects with World Bank (WB)

Jawza 16: June 6, 2021
The Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahady, discussed (EATS) and (OMAID) projects, today via video conference with Homa Zahra Fotuhi, the World Bank's Chief Operating Officer in Afghanistan.
This meeting was attended by a number of other World Bank officials and Fahim Rahim, the director of emergency Agriculture and Food Supply Project.
Homa Zahra Fotuhi, World Bank’s chief operating officer in Afghanistan, reiterated the Bank's support for the Ministry of Agriculture's projects.
She also called for strengthening the coordination and accelerating the implementation of Agriculture and Food Supply Emergency Project and the design of OMAID project in coordination with the Ministry of Finance.
Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahady, MAIL minister, while thanking and appreciating the assistance of World Bank to this ministry, said that efforts are being made to speed up the implementation of (EATS) project and the provision of services to farmers via this project.

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۱۳ سلواغه ۱۴۰۳ه‍.ش
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