Meeting of the Minister of Agriculture with “UNDP” representative and officials of Peace Foundation

Mon, Jul 26 2021 8:04 PM
Meeting of the Minister of Agriculture with “UNDP” representative and officials of Peace Foundation

Asad: 4 July 26, 2021
Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahady, minister of agriculture, irrigation and livestock, spoke with Nahid Sarabi, Representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and in-charge of Peace foundation officials (Roots of Peace) about the details of six small projects.
The mentioned meeting was attended by John Haido, the director of Community-Based Rural Development Project and Access to International Markets (CBARD-AIM), and Hamid Ansari, director of Peace Foundation programs, and colleagues, they discussed the documents of six small projects (Grant) and presented their details to MAIL minister.
As part of these projects, six cold-storages with a capacity of 2,327 metric tons of fresh vegetables and fruits are to be constructed. These cold-storages would be constructed in Kabul, Farah, Herat, Badghis and Nangarhar provinces by Peace Foundation through Community Based Rural Development Project and Access to International Markets (CBARD-AIM).
Construction of these cold-storages is funded by United States Department of State (INL) Office of Drug Enforcement and International Law in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

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۱۳ سلواغه ۱۴۰۳ه‍.ش
۳ شَعبان المُعَظّم ۱۴۴۶ه‍.ق
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دغه کرنيزه پروژه،. . .

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۲۴ ذی‌الحِجّة ۱۴۴۵ه‍.ق
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