Major activities of Baghlan Agriculture Department in the Fiscal Year 1399

Mizan 26: October 17, 2020
Baghlan Agriculture Department in the fiscal year 1399, in various Development areas, including Horticulture, Livestock, Irrigation, Grassland Management, implementation of infrastructure projects, construction of demonstration parts of Wheat, Rice, cooked, control of plant and animal Lists, breeding Animals have carried out extensive activities through artificial insemination and the promotion of new farming and animal husbandry methods.
The department, which has so far spent more than 66 percent of it's development budget, has benefited nearly 11,000 residents of the province through the benefits of its development programs. Covering eight hundred Hectares of land and constructing and rehabilitating more than one thousand two hundred Acres of Gardens in Baghlan is another major activity of the department during the fiscal Year 1399.