MAIL Minister Participation in UN-Food System Pre-Summit

Mon, Jul 26 2021 4:03 PM
MAIL Minister Participation in UN-Food System Pre-Summit

Asad 4: July 26, 2021
Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahady, minister of agriculture, irrigation and livestock, took part at UN-Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFSS) Virtual Summit, and spoke on behalf of Afghanistan.
The above-mentioned summit was attended by 111 countries, including Afghanistan.
Referring to the UN Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2 and 12 to address the issues of hunger, Dr. Anwar al-Haq Ahady Minister of Agriculture, said that serious struggles were needed to eradicate this problem by 2030.
He said, “Currently, millions of people across the globe are increasingly exposed to food shortages, and, unfortunately, Afghans are at the forefront of food insecurity. Adding that providing a balanced and sustainable food for the citizens of Afghanistan is one of the priorities of the Afghan government.”
Mr. Ahady stated that Food insecurity and poverty are strongly correlated. Unfortunately, in Afghanistan, largely due to war and drought, poverty is expected to increase. Stressing the need for peace for growth of agriculture and food.
On the other hand, Mr. Ahady said that the Ministry of Agriculture is modernizing agriculture to assist reduce poverty in remote areas. In this regard, he mentioned the distribution of improved seeds and the promotion of new approaches of gardening.
Afghanistan's Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahady, said to ensure the safety of our food, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has established an independent Food and Drug Administration.
The Minister of Agriculture also said that Afghanistan is committed to providing healthy and appropriate food for its citizens and called for cooperation of international community in the field of food standardization. He also called on the United Nations, its institutions, other development partners, research and academic institutions and international unions to continue their technical and financial support to Afghanistan to provide a vision for the coming 10 years .

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