Investigating the issues of transferring agricultural products and emphasizing on increasing of seasonal tariffs

Thu, Jun 24 2021 2:54 PM
Investigating the issues of transferring agricultural products and emphasizing on increasing of seasonal tariffs

Saratan 3: June 25, 2021
Transferring issues of agricultural products from one province to another and how to increase the seasonal customs tariff on importing of agricultural products were discussed in a meeting chaired by the Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL) and the presence of deputies and some directors of MAIL.
In this meeting, the deputies and a number of governors provided information on problems and challenges of transferring agricultural products from one province to another, exporting products and increasing tariffs on imports of agricultural products. The meeting also discussed standardization of agricultural products, especially fresh fruits.
Dr. Anwar al-Haq Ahady, MAIL minister, while emphasizing the standardization of agricultural products,  instructed to coordinate with the responsible departments in resolving transportation problems of these products. He added that while the ministry continues to build the cold- storage, the private sector should also be encouraged to invest in it, thus preserving some of the country's fresh fruits.
He also said, “In coordination with the Ministry of Trade and Industry and Afghan Chamber of Commerce and Investment, seasonal tariffs on importing of agricultural products are intended to support producers and traders.”

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د خوست کرنې ریاست څېړنیز فارم کې زده کړیالانو ته د عملي زده کړې زمینه برابره شوې

۱۱ چنګاښ ۱۴۰۳ه‍.ش
۲۴ ذی‌الحِجّة ۱۴۴۵ه‍.ق
د خوست ولایت د کرنې، اوبو لګولو او مالدارۍ ریاست اړوند څېړنیز فارم کې د کرنې پوهنځۍ زده کړیالانو ته په عملي او نظري ډول د زده کړې زمینه برابره. . .

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