Bamyan Directorate of Agriculture Spends Seven Hundred Million Afghanis for Development of Agriculture

Wed, Dec 30 2020 10:39 AM
مصرف هفت‌صد میلیون افغانی برای رشد زراعت در بامیان

Jadi 10: December 30, 2020
Bamyan Directorate of Agriculture in cooperation with some institutions in fiscal year 1399, spent about seven hundred million Afghanis to grow agriculture in the province.
Abdul Wahab Mohammadi, director of agriculture in Bamyan , says that this year the directorate of Bamyan Agriculture has conducted research on 38 new varieties of modified potatoes and 500 lines of wheat in research farm of Mullah Ghulam, and introduced new and high-yielding varieties appropriate to the market conditions.
In this sector, 6,500 low-income farmers working in the potato cultivation and production sector have also been supported by distributing chemical fertilizer packages and providing effective extension services through Food Safety and Family Livelihoods project.
The director of agriculture of Bamyan province said, "This year, 294 units of zero energy potato storage, 39 onion storage, 10 fruit storage facilities have been built in Bamyan province through Agricultural products management project and 21 fruit drying machines have been dispensed to gardeners."
He added that supporting women farmers is one of the main priorities of the Ministry of Agriculture (MAIL) and has been fully supported this year in order to empower women economically. According to him, in fiscal year 1999, 500 poultry farms were built for women and 400 standard greenhouses were built, as well as 1,000 complete packages of dairy products for women farmers. Also, 2,000 improved lambed sheep have been distributed to women in Bamyan province.
Bamyan directorate of Agriculture said,” The directorate has distributed 373 metric tons of modified wheat seeds to 9,440 farmers for autumn cultivation through the National Wheat Seed Production and Distribution Program, projects and partner institutions throughout Bamyan province.”
In Horticulture section of this directorate in the fiscal year 1399, 1,572 acres of new orchards have been built in the province through the National Horticulture and Livestock Project (NHLP) Food Safety Project and Partner Institute, as well as 50 agricultural forestry projects to create greenery and improve agricultural livelihood. Each is adapted to an area of three acres through a solar irrigation system. This year, the administration has also provided about 500,000 non-productive improved seedlings to Bamyan farmers to green and improve the environment, as well as rehabilitating 229 hectares of pastures and pastures by constructing water sheets and sprinkling mountain grass seeds.
Director of agriculture in Bamyan province further stated that in order for farmers to be able to market their products, the directorate has provided 217 million AFN in agricultural loans through the Agricultural Development Fund to about 1,800 farmers and members of agricultural cooperatives. Marketing for their products is supported.
About 93,000 pets have been vaccinated to prevent brucellosis and plague in the province.

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