Poultry equipment distributed to 350 needy women in Samangan

Sun, Oct 18 2020 3:16 PM
به ۳۵۰ خانم بی‌بضاعت در سمنگان وسایل مرغداری توزیع شد

 Mizan 27: October 18, 2020
 Sanamgan Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock Department in cooperation with the »Dast Ba Dast«Institute, has distributed packaged Poultry equipment to 350 needy women in the village of Delkhaki in Aibak city, the capital of Samangan Province, in order to improve the living conditions of these women.
 Each of these packages includes a Metal gate for a snail, three Chicken nuggets, three Juicers, a Boat, an Aerator, a two-meter wire grinder, seven KG of chin, a Mask, an outpatient and Gloves.

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۲۴ ذی‌الحِجّة ۱۴۴۵ه‍.ق
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