MAIL ranked first Among the Ministries in Report on Monitoring Government's Accountability to the Nation

Mon, Jun 28 2021 4:00 PM
MAIL ranked first Among the Ministries in Report on Monitoring Government's Accountability to the Nation

Saratan 7: June 28, 2021
The Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), in analytical report of Commission for Access to Information of the Government’s Accountability Program to the Nation in 1399, has received first place among all the ministries and  second place among the budget units.
According to a report which has been prepared by Access to Information Commission from Government’s Accountability Program to the Nation shows that MAIL, among all ministries, has observed and implemented the highest indicators considered by Commission in Government Accountability Program to Nation in 1399. The figure of indicators observed by the Ministry of Agriculture in this report reaches 81%.
The Access to Information Commission says that 64 ministries, independent directorates, the Supreme Court, both National Assembly and Attorney General's Office participated in government's accountability program to the nation, which began on Dalwa 1, 1399, ( January 20, 2021) and lasted till Hoot, 18 ( March, 8 2021).
The Access to Information Commission said in its report.” it considered eleven indicators to monitor the government's accountability to the nation, and after analyzing its findings, divided the departments into three categories. Those departments which have observed more than 70% of indicators in submitting their accounting reports, were placed in first place, departments  which have observed 50 to 69% of indicators in second place and those departments which have observed less than 50% of the indicators were put in weak position.”
The Ministry of Agriculture has the highest score, 81% of the indicators among the ministries, and is at the top of the ministries.
Dr. Anwar al-Haq Ahady, MAIL minister who has taken part in Government and Nation Accountability Program in 1399 and reported on all the achievements and plans of the Ministry in 1400 at a conference. He also answered all the questions of journalists and other participants in the conference.
MAIL has also regularly reported on its activities and programs through its website and social networks.


وزارت زراعت در گزارش نظارت از برنامه حساب‌دهی دولت به ملت در میان وزارت‌خانه‌ها، جایگاه اول را گرفت

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