Durrani to Inaugurate Projects worth 800 Million AFN in Balkh

Sat, Jun 15 2019 3:10 PM

Jawza 25: June 15, 2019

Nasir Ahmad Durrani, minister of agriculture, irrigation, and livestock, leading a delegation to Balkh province, will inaugurate and utilize the ministry’s projects worth 800 million AFN, or either lay the foundation stone of private sector projects in the province.

The projects include irrigation, agriculture, and livestock sectors.

Large poultry farms, inauguration of soybean oil factory, and several irrigation projects are among the programs, some of which are going to be either inaugurated or laid the foundation of.

Upon his arrival, Minister Durrani inaugurated several fruit and vegetable exhibitions.

Speaking in the presence of the media in the province, Mr. Durrani said that Balkh produces lots of fruits and vegetables, adding that this year early-ripening fruits have increased in the province.

The total value of the projects of the Ministry of Agriculture and private sector which are going to either be inaugurated or laid the foundation of reaches to 800 million AFN.

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۲۴ ذی‌الحِجّة ۱۴۴۵ه‍.ق
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