A Campaign to Distribute Improved Wheat Seeds began in Bamyan

Sat, Oct 31 2020 3:02 PM
کمپین توزیع تخم‌های اصلاح‌شده گندم در بامیان شروع شد

Aqrab 10: October 31,2020
The autumn campaign for the distribution of improved Wheat seeds officially began in Bamyan province.
Based on the plan, the campaign is supposed to be implemented in 34 provinces.
The Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Bamyan Province announced at the launch of the campaign  during the program, 343 Tons of improved wheats seeds will be distributed to 6,860 Farmers in all districts of the province.
These improved  Eggs are distributed as a substrate.  60% of the cost is paidby the Ministry of Agriculture and only 40% is paid by the beneficiary Farmers.
Bamyan's Department of Agriculture says that the production of these improved seeds cost 15 Million and 92 thousand Afghanis and was jointly funded by the Government and the World Bank.

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۲۴ ذی‌الحِجّة ۱۴۴۵ه‍.ق
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