An Awareness Meeting on Peace and Development Framework Document Holds for the Staff of Daikundi Directorate of Agriculture

Sun, Mar 07 2021 3:08 PM
An Awareness Meeting on Peace and Development Framework Document Holds for the Staff of Daikundi Directorate of Agriculture

Hoot 17: March 7, 2021
An awareness meeting on Afghanistan Peace and Development Framework Document was held for the staff of the Directorate of Agriculture.
In this meeting, Sayed Abdul Wahed Firoozi, provincial director of agriculture of Daikundi Province informed the managers and employees of the mentioned directorate about general contents of this document and emphasized that all managers and employees should synchronize their plans and activities with this document to help farmers, livestock and gardeners in districts of the province.
Subsequently, the presentation of Afghanistan Peace and Development Framework document was presented to the managers and staff by the director of the plan and program of the directorate of Agriculture. It also provided information on the tasks, goals and indicators set for the Ministry of Agriculture(MAIL) in framework of Afghanistan Peace and Development, so that the relevant departments in the light of  Afghanistan Peace and Development Framework can provide effective services to farmers and on the other hand to attain the set goals.

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