Agha Khan Foundation Reforestation Project in Daikundi, Bamyan and Badakhshan completed

Thu, May 27 2021 2:23 PM
Agha Khan Foundation Reforestation Project in Daikundi, Bamyan and Badakhshan completed

Jawza 6: May 28, 2021
The reforestation project which was launched by Aga Khan Foundation to boost and improve the ecosystem in Daikundi, Bamyan and Badakhshan provinces has been completed.
The project was launched in 2019 with financial support of the Korean Embassy by Aga Khan Foundation. The mentioned project was working and was active in home gardening, irrigation, greenhouses, distribution of fruitful seedlings and reforestation areas.
The officials of Aga Khan Foundation Reforestation Project reported their achievements and activities through this project to Mohammad Rafi Ghazizadeh, general director of natural resources of the Ministry of Agriculture (MAIL), in presence of mayors of Miramur and Daikundi and Saigan districts of Bamyan province.
Meanwhile, the director general of natural resources at the Ministry of Agriculture says,” MAIL has launched new projects which include building a green belt, reforestation and forest conservation. Mr. Ghazizadeh stressed that activities are underway to rehabilitate forests and improve ecosystems in Bamyan, Daikundi and Badakhshan provinces."

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