Annual yield of Nangarhar Dates Reaches by 150 Tons

Sun, Sep 06 2020 8:44 PM
حاصلات سالانه‌ی خرمای ننگرهار به ۱۵۰ تن می‌رسد
Sunbala 16: September 6,2020
The Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Nangarhar Province says, that the yield of Date in this province increases every year compared to the previous year, and its production reaches about 150 Tons this year.
Nangarhar Agriculture Department officials say that the climate of this province is suitable for growing many fruits, and cultivation and production of Dates has grown and developed in this Province. In Nangarhar province, 80 acres of Date Orchards have been built so far, most of which are located in Goshteh and Sorkhrod districts.
There is also a collection of Fruits and Vegetables in Nangarhar, in which Date seedlings have also been planted.
Nangarhar Agriculture Department says that 350 acres of new Date orchards will be built in the province next year. The Department added, that out of 350 acres of new Date Orchards to be built next year, 180 acres will be built by Nangarhar Wadi Agricultural Company
. According to the Nangarhar Department of Agriculture, if the current efforts of the Department of Agriculture in the province, and the commitment of the people to cultivate Date palms continue, it will not be long before that Nangarhar becomes self-sufficient in producing Dates.


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