344 Poor Women Received Small Poultry Farms in Baghlan

Jawza 22: June 12, 2021
Baghlan Directorate of Agriculture has dispensed small poultry farms to 344 widows and needy women via community livestock and Agriculture a program (CLAP), which is one of the projects of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL).
Each of the mentioned farms includes sixty egg laying chicken, six pots for food and water, and 566 kilograms of chicken grains and needed vaccines for widows and needy women in central-Baghlan, Doshi, Bano- Andarab and Deh-salah districts.
Abdul Ghias Siddiqi, provincial director, said,” The main aim of dispensing these small poultry farms to poor women is to promote the poultry industry and assist to improve the economic situation of these women in the province. He said that the dispensation of these farms creates good job opportunities for women. The beneficiaries have expressed their satisfaction with this action of Baghlan directorate of Agriculture.