Zahed-Abad Logar irrigation Network Worth 10 Million AFN Exploited

Tue, Feb 09 2021 4:33 PM
Zahed-Abad Logar irrigation Network Worth 10 Million AFN Exploited
Dalwa 21: February 9, 2021
The construction of an irrigation network in Zahed-Abad area of Mohammad Aghahi district of Logar province has been completed and exploitation of this network has started.
Abdul Qayoom Rahimi, the governor, and a number of civil and military officials from the province attended the inauguration of the irrigation network.
Abdullah Tasal, director of agriculture in Logar province, said that the irrigation network in Zahed-abad district of Mohammad Agha district is 3.15 km long and irrigates about 3,500 acres of land and hundreds of families can benefit from its water.
The total cost of building this network is 9.9 million AFN. The network was built in collaboration with the Agriculture and Livestock Program (CLAP) for one year.
During the construction of this network, work was provided for a number of residents of the area.
The construction of this irrigation network will cut down water waste by 40% and also increase the yield of the covered lands by 25%.


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