192 Greenhouses Utilize in Nangarhar

Sun, Jan 24 2021 1:16 PM
۱۹۲ سبزخانه در ننگرهار به بهره‌برداری سپرده شد

Dalwa 5: January 24, 2021
Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahadi, minister of agriculture, irrigation and livestock, during his visit to Nangarhar province, utilized 192 greenhouses in Behsood district of Nangarhar. Zia-ul-Haq Amarkhail, senior advisor to the President and governor of Nangarhar province, was also present at inauguration ceremony.
The Minister of Agriculture said at the inauguration ceremony, "These greenhouses were built at a cost of more than 100 million AFN, in center and various districts of Nangarhar province by community livestock and agriculture projects (CLAP) community based agriculture and rural development or (CBARD)  support to national priority  program 2 or ( SNaPP2 ).
Mr. Ahady added, "85% of the expense of constructing these greenhouses has been spent by ministry of agriculture (MAIL) and only 15% has been spent by beneficiaries.”
Zia-ul-Haq Amarkhail, also thanked MAIL for its work in the province and called for more attention to be paid to agriculture sector in the mentioned province.
In 1399, the ministry of agriculture spent more than 758 million AFN to grow agriculture, livestock, and horticulture and irrigation sectors in Nangarhar.

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