Livestock women Receive 220 Livestock packages in Herat

Thu, Feb 11 2021 12:21 PM
Livestock women Receive 220 Livestock packages in Herat
Dalwa 23: February 11, 2021
The Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock of Herat Province has given out 220 livestock packages to livestock women in the province via support to National Priority Program 2 (SNaPP2) of the Ministry of Agriculture (MAIL).
These packages have been distributed to women in Injil, Guzara and Karakh districts who have already been trained on how to protect and raise animals through (SNaPP2).
Each of these packages includes a hopper, aerator, animal feed concentrate, a plastic brush and bucket, a filter for milk, powder, cotton swabs and towels, a plastic chair and gloves. The purpose of distributing these tools is to support the mentioned women and to assist the economy of rural families.


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