Creating Corn Display Parts for constructing a silage in Logar

Tue, Jun 29 2021 3:46 PM
ایجاد قطعات نمایشی جواری برای ساخت سایلج در لوگر

Saratan 8: June 29, 2021
The Logar Directorate of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock has distributed corn seeds and chemical fertilizers to 42 livestock owner members of milk-producing cooperatives in-order to construct display parts for construction of silage.
The directorate says,” The materials were distributed to livestock owners of Pol-Alam of Logar province with financial and technical support of Community Livestock and Agriculture Project ( CLAP) project and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).”
Silage is one of the high quality animal feed which is mostly used to feed dairy cows. Corn display parts which are constructed are used to produce silage.

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