The Campaign of Anti-worm drug for Nomadic animals began in Logar

Thu, Jul 01 2021 6:10 PM
The Campaign of Anti-worm drug for Nomadic animals began in Logar

Saratan 10: July 1, 2021
The Anti-Parasitic Spice Implementation Campaign was launched by Logar Directorate of Agriculture in the Sorkhabad Plain of Mohammad Agha District of Logar Province.
The campaign will be implemented in several rounds, it will be implemented on more than 20,500 nomadic animals in first round. The campaign is financially and technically supported by Community Livestock Agriculture and Project (CLAP) and Dutch Committee (DCA).
The main purpose of lunching such a campaign is to protect nomadic animals from internal parasites, prevent animal mortality and produce animal health products.

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۱۳ سلواغه ۱۴۰۳ه‍.ش
۳ شَعبان المُعَظّم ۱۴۴۶ه‍.ق
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