20 Irrigation Networks exploit in Nangarhar

Sun, Jan 24 2021 2:47 PM
۲۰ کانال آبیاری در ننگرهار به بهره‌برداری سپرده شد

Dalwa 5: January 24, 2021
Dr. Anwarul Haq Ahadi, minister of agriculture, irrigation and livestock, commissioned 20 irrigation canals worth 112 million AFN during his visit to Nangarhar.
These irrigation projects have been implemented in 17 districts and capital of Nangarhar province by community livestock and agriculture project (CLAP), community based agriculture and rural development (CBARD) as well as support to national priority program 2 (SNAPP2) at a cost of 112 million Afghanis. These irrigation projects irrigate more than 12,500 acres of land and prevent nearly 20 percent of water waste.
Mr. Ahady said at the inauguration ceremony of these projects that, “Irrigation is one of the key sectors of the Ministry of Agriculture MAIL and many irrigation projects are implemented annually in different provinces, including Nangarhar province. He added, “Our main priority is to cultivate more land to increase production and self-sufficiency in various sectors.”
Also, Zia-ul-Haq Amarkhail, senior advisor to the president and governor of Nangarhar, said at the inauguration of these irrigation projects that with the construction of new irrigation networks and canals, more areas have been covered with irrigation and the yield has been increased.

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