Yields of Samangan pistachio has reached about 69 tons

Sunbola 3: 24 August, 2020
More than 42,500 Hectares of land in Samangan province are the bedrock of Pistachio Orchards. The yields of these Pistachios, which include Natural trees planted by the Ministry of Agriculture, have reached about 69 Metric this year.
Mohammad Rahman Arghandiwal, director of Agriculture in Samangan province said, that There are two types of Pistachios in Samangan province rainy and blue.After Badghis, Samangan is the second largest producer of Pistachios in the country and our Yield is 69 Metric Tons this Year.
He added, that We are trying to expand the Pistachio fields and build more Pistachio Orchards.
We have a big plan in mind to regulate drainage and expand Pistachio areas, we produce 160,000 Pistachio seedlings to expand Pistachio Orchards.
Mr. Arghandiwal said that in the past, Pistachio trees were cut down by the people, but now the forests and Pistachio trees have not been cut down and thousands of Pistachios are expanding. We transplanted 16,500 seedlings to improve yields, which increases Pistachio production.
Haji Noor Agha is one of the Gardeners in Pigtash Aibak of Samangan province, whose Garden was built with the cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture.
He said that We planted 6,300 Listachio seedlings, we used to plant Wheat, but it did not yield good results. The Ministry of Agriculture is working with us and has done half of the construction work with us. In the future, we hope that this Orchard will yield good results, because now it is newly built.
It should be noted that the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock has created more than 5,200 Acres of Pistachio land throughout Samangan province. It also distributes large numbers of Pistachio trees to Gardeners through Councils to expand and increase annual yields.