Nimroz Melon Yields Reached more than 700,000 Tons

18 Saratan: July 09, 2020
Nimruz Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock Directorate said that melon reached to 700,000 metrics tons this year and about 20,000 hectares of land have been brought under Melon cultivation.
The Provincial Agriculture Directorate added that, timely and consecutive rains are the main factors in increasing of Melon products in the Province.
The Provincial Agriculture Directorate added that most of the Melon fields are located in Chakhansoor district of the province. Melon pulses in this district are irrigated only before and after cultivation and do not require more irrigation.
The soil of this district has a high capacity for water storage.
Zabihullah Oliazadeh the director of Agriculture in Nimroz province said that water melon and melon products of the province, especially in the Chakhansoor district are an organic crop and that most farmers did not use any chemical fertilizers or pesticides in the melon fields.
He said that the color, weight and taste of melons and water melon in this province are also different than other province’s products.
More than half of the water melon and melon products of Nimroz are exported to neighboring provinces as well as to Pakistan.