Towards Self-sufficiency: There are 620 poultry farms in Balkh province

Wed, Aug 19 2020 9:24 PM
به سمت خودکفایی: در ولایت بلخ، ۶۲۰ فارم مرغداری فعالیت دارند
Asad: 29 August 20, 2020
There are about 620 poultry farms in Balkh province, which is almost 60% self-sufficient in terms of poultry production.
But the offspring of these chickens are imported from neighboring countries ‌ and
The imported chickens are trained, and provide the necessity of Balkh and Northern provinces.
Balkh Agriculture Department says, that all the needed food is produced in this province for poultry production.
The directorate says (Mofid Group) factory is one of the factories that produce chicken seeds, which produces 250 tons of seeds in about 24 hours.
There are various factories even their production is exported to Neighboring provinces and neighboring countries.
Hassan the director of Orang Farms in Balkh says: We raise three generations of chickens. In the two years that we have been operating, we have raised about 20,000 chickens a day, raised 400,000 laying Hens, and produced more than 40000 meat farms, it is consumed in Mazar-e-Sharif and exported to neighboring provinces.
All food, from eggs to production and generation, takes place on this farm, and a work environment has been created for the people, who are busy with about 40 to 50 people.
He added that We call on the government to increase the import tariff on chickens from other countries so that the price is reasonable for the country,
Abdul Shakur Yusufzai Head of Tolo Poultry Association in Balkh province said, the work of the poultry sector in Balkh province is progressing well, and there is livestock equipment in the province, and we ask traders to invest in this sector.
It should be said, that at the suggestion of the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock and with the intention of the President in order to increase livestock, the import of beef to the country has been banned, and the Ministry of Agriculture has asked people to use domestic Agricultural and livestock products.


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