Climate Change Adaption Project (CCAP)


The Climate Change Adaptation Project (CCAP) is a joint five-year project of the Ministry of Irrigation and Livestock Agriculture operating in four provinces of Afghanistan, Balkh, Herat, Uruzgan and Panjshir. The project increases farmers’ technical capacities, improve alternative livelihoods, and build or rehabilitate water management structures through local community councils.


Increase and enhance the resilience of communities against climate change. The project aims to provide livelihood options to help manage the risks of climate change events and increase the technical capacities of farmers and local economic development.

Project Location

  • Balkh
  • Herat
  • Uruzgan
  • Panjshir

Project Partners

National Environment Protection Agency (NEPA), Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD), Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW), Kabul University, Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA) and Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MoWA).



CCAP project, together with its partners, integrates the risk of climate change into national processes and budgets by assessing the precise needs and identifying gaps in water management and livelihoods. The project enhances institutional capacities of its governmental partners (Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, Ministry of Energy and Water, and National Environmental Protection Agency) in the planning of climate risk information and responses.


CCAP diversifies & provides livelihood options to vulnerable communities to increase income opportunities and food security. CCAP establishes greenhouses, trellises, cold storages & raisins houses to boost the local economy and improve livelihoods. Technical trainings in handicrafts, dairy production and processing, fruit and vegetable processing to jams and pickles helps increase people’s awareness and local economy of poor families.

Improving the ecosystems, reforestation with indigenous species are part of CCAP livelihood activities.


To strengthen water reservoirs, prepare for droughts, prevention of water loss and revitalize ground waters in the provinces of Balkh, Herat, Panjshir and Uruzgan, CCAP builds and rehabilitates water infrastructures. These infrastructures are effective in improving agricultural production and resilience to climate change. These infrastructures include water reservoirs, canals, intakes, karez sheds and protection walls.

Project Achievements

Construction of 22 protection walls

Construction of 16 water reservoirs

Construction of 26 water intake

Restoration of 25 kariz channels

Establishment of 22 greenhouses

6,395 Direct beneficiaries

Establishment of 50 Kitchen gardens

Establishment of dairy production and processing center in Uruzgan

Establishment of fruit processing center in Panjshir

Establishment of jam and pickle processing center in Uruzgan

Creating employment opportunity to 60 women in handcrafts

This project is completed.